Why I Like being Alone : Being Alone vs Lonely - Not Everyone Needs a Companion : Toxic Relationships - Time

Why I Like Being Alone : Being Alone vs Lonely

Not Everyone Needs a Companion : Toxic Relationships


By Adam Mundorf

"With a crowd of one there is no one to complain or groan, no self-consciousness, no dividing of attention, no one to impress." -- Dave Draper

Why I Like Being Alone : Being Alone vs Lonely
There is a difference between being alone and being lonely.  Being alone for me means freedom of time, movement and emotion.  I can do as I please, when I want.  I can organize my rooms how I want.  I can do what I want.  Being alone provides freedom to do as I please.  Somewhere along the line people thought that being alone meant being lonely but the truth couldn't be further.  While I do have some self diagnosed health/psychological issues that keep people at bay (especially romantic partners), I am mostly alone by choice.  I find a certain calm when I have a day without plans, a day without structure and a day without obligation.  Of course, I have a job like a good citizen should but that is the only obligation that is imposed upon me.  I have carefully structured my life this way.  Being alone means freedom while being lonely means you yearn for human interaction but can't lock anything down......

Not Everyone Needs a Companion : Toxic Relationships
Not everybody wants a girlfriend or boyfriend and to be completely frank, the way I hear people talk about their significant others makes any thought of having one disappear.  The added stress, emotional anguish and miserable people I see on a daily basis makes me cringe.  The sad man or woman coming in with their 'good boy list' of chores from their spouse on their day off.  Then the jokes about : "Don't get married."  With a little twinge of honesty and truth within the joke.  Of course, not everybody is like this but a shocking amount.  Man, most of these people would be better off alone...... but they just can't seem to shake the need for attachment.  If these people were more comfortable being alone, they wouldn't be in these predicaments. It becomes even more complicated if you're financially or contractually obligated to your significant other i.e through an apartment, car or marriage.  You're trapped but through your own doing.  It's a sad situation to see.  It's even sadder when someone continues to date or be married to someone who hits them.  Fuck, just get out of there.  I know it's easier said than done but I don't want to read about you in the obituaries.  Start taking proper and measured steps to escape that hell hole of a relationship.  Have some respect for yourself before you end up murdered.

There's much scarier things than being alone and that's being shackled to someone who is a detriment or net negative on your life as a whole.  Wasting the one thing we never get back.  Time.  If you're a woman, you should know how important those early years are for child bearing and your future potential.


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