What Ever Happened to Voluntary Suffering? - Suffering for Something Afterwards

What Ever Happened to Voluntary Suffering? Suffering for Something Afterwards By Adam Mundorf Asceticism - Severe self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons. What Happened to Voluntary Suffering? Put on a jacket, you're going to get cold. What's wrong with being a bit cold? Turn on the air conditioner, it's getting hot in here. What's wrong with being a bit hot? You haven't eaten in hours, have a meal! What's wrong with being a bit hungry? There is nothing wrong with being cold because cold makes the warmth feel nicer. There is nothing wrong with being hot because hot makes the cold feel nicer. Being hungry makes meals more satisfying and fulfilling. Yin and Yang. In America we have far too much of the Yin without the Yang. Our bellies are always full, our houses are warm in the winter and cold in the summer. A little is good, too much will lead to complacency and lack...