Standing on the Shoulders of Giants : My Next Decade in Physical Training : Simplicity Is King (Synopsis of a Decade)

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants My Next Decade in Training Simplicity is King (Synopsis of a Decade) By Adam Mundorf Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Physical training has been a mainstay in my life for a decade now. Throughout these years, I have gleaned so much information about longevity, strength, health and hypertrophy that my mind often wants to explode. A person only has so much energy to expend and so much mental RAM to apply to their lives. Luckily for us there are people that have paved the way for us. We all have our gurus and people we look to for inspiration or information. The ones that have influenced my life in the areas of strength and conditioning the most are : Al Kavadlo Danny Kavadlo Coach Paul Wade Steve Maxwell Pavel Tsatsouline Dan John Ori Hofmekler I stand upon the shoulders of these giants. I am at a pivotal point in my training life. My financial life is handled. My quest for a virtuous and s...