Living a Life of Non-Societal Obligation Bliss

Living a Life of Non-Societal Obligation Bliss By Adam Mundorf Living a Life of Non-Societal Obligation Bliss In modern society, we're judged by how full our schedule is. There is only so much mental and physical RAM a person has, being pulled in every which direction. I think that many people fill up their schedule with social obligations just to distract themselves from how unfulfilling their daily life is. They pay a premium to have a night out, a concert to go to, a movie to attend or even worse to just simply get drunk. If I spent my life sitting on my ass in a cubicle, taking care of kids and settling down with a girl who is so obviously a step down (look at divorce and cheating statistics), I'd fill my life with empty nonsense too. If you only knew your true potential to spend time, how you dictated. Time is the one commodity we don't get more of. Life is about so much more than rushing from activity to activity, thing to thi...