
Showing posts from June, 2023

What I Learned from 29 to 30

What I learned from 29 to 30 By Adam Mundorf What I Learned from 29 to 30 Hm, welp another year has passed and my life couldn't be better.  I am in good health, money in the bank and a roof over my head.  The above things are due to my decisions and actions.  Not once have I worried about an invading nation, a famine, a drought or where my next meal was coming from.  The above things have to do with luck.  The biggest lesson I learned was that our problems aren't really problems at all.  Growing up and living in America is living life on easy mode provided you don't self harm yourself through bad decisions.  We obviously don't all grow up with the same opportunities provided to us BUT if we take responsibility for our actions, realize we start where we are, we can become anything we want. Things aren't perfect but America is pretty darn close.  There is a reason why there are endless lines of people trying to get in but so few are trying to leave. To sum it up 29 to

The Accumulation Mindset - The Fat Cat : Cluttered Mind - Cluttered Car

  The Accumulation Mindset - The Fat Cat Cluttered Mind - Cluttered Car By Adam Mundorf The Accumulation Mindset I first learned of the accumulation mindset from my friend and mentor, Steve Maxwell.  He mentioned how many of life's issues come from feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and the empty pursuit of more.  At the time, it really didn't resonate with me because I was in the accumulation mindset myself.  I wanted more money and more things.  As I began to grow and mature, I started to see exactly what he was talking about.  Everyone has that idea in their head of the 'Fat Cat' businessman.  The man who is grotesquely obese, boisterous, smokes and lives a life of more (greed).  From the outside looking in he's materially successful but his insides show something much much different.  His health is failing, his mind is cluttered with obligation and he is committing the cardinal sin of greed.  As a matter of fact, he may fit the bill for all seven of the cardinal

The Selfishness of Self-Inflicted Injury : Lack of Gratitude

 The Selfishness of Self-Inflicted Injury Lack of Gratitude By Adam Mundorf “People have lost sight of the true purpose of exercise.  It’s not about the reps or weights; it’s about producing a deep level of fatigue without damaging the structure so that the body is compelled to adapt and increase its strength.  It’s about discipline.  With discipline comes integrity and virtue.  This is the source of beauty in the well-trained human body, and why you can’t acquire it from the outside; it’s an internal, mental quality shining through.” -- Steve Maxwell The Selfishness of Self-Inflicted Injury If I have to hear one more meathead complain about their lower back or shoulders I'm going to lose my damn mind.  If I have to go to one more kettlebell cert and hear people bitching about their hips, I'm going to lose my damn mind.  If I have to hear one more calisthenics 'athlete' complain about their elbows and shoulders, I am going to lose my damn mind.  Many of the above people